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News >> Good quality electric core advantages which embodies
Electric core the silicon conductive thermal film with special ceramic has excellent overall performance, is used to replace traditional heating wire.
Products are of good quality and poor quality, here to talk about the good advantages where
 The first: the firmness of the solder joint, when installed frequently encountered fever cored electrodes falling. Good quality point to accept big rally.
  Second: the electric resistance of the core values​​. Electric core imported from Japan is better than the quality of the domestic, he added inside the platinum element, so his sense of isotherms resistance stability, domestic electric core afraid to ask the resistance of high temperature and low temperature changes is not very stable.
: High temperature control capability, such as the temperature of the soldering station set to 480 ° C soldering station has been displayed in the heating, not reach 480 ° C, the problem would be a big. Main than soldering station heating less than 480 ° C, but the temperature to even more dramatically than 480 ℃, but not enough to signal or temperature of the soldering station heating core, so continuing large current transformer caused the damage, this will damage the transformer. Poor quality would be worth the candle.